Dinorah Pérez-Rementería
Have you ever pictured the love of your life? Tall, short, athletic, skinny, overweight, artistic, pragmatic, with blue eyes, smart? What if you haven’t and he takes you by surprise? What if he appears just when you think everything is (not perfect but at least) Ok? What if you become a sentimental little girl after having been praised for being cynical? Let’s say, for example, you may spend three hours on the road without noticing it, smile at the sunset in your mirror, listen to the horoscopes on the radio, spy on a couple of doves kissing in the kitchen window, or even discover (God, this is really embarrassing!) the most beautiful rainbow over I-395. And you can’t understand how –why- it is happening, for there isn’t any logic (except an ironic hypothesis). You cried so much when you left your country four years ago, you wanted to leave Miami as soon as the aircraft landed, you couldn’t stand the fact that your younger brother needed to stay for a period of two months in the number one Spanish-speaking city in the United States; so many Cubans there (the kind of Cubans who would still be loud in a quiet place or look at you with shameless eyes). And yet, you could’ve been saved if you had gone somewhere else in Aventura, Little Havana, Plantation, Pembroke Pines. Only he exists now. He is there, so far away; drown between patients, nurses and front-desk ladies, infinite cell-phone numbers and no-number-telephones, gigantic wedding rings, walls, doors.
*Note: This is a work of fiction. People, places, events, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.
24 comentarios:
coooool dinorah
I LOVE that painting! Dinorah que bueno que volviste and now ibn english. Digo como dice una cancion argentina, busque y busque y no lo encontre.
Dinorah.... Miami es un zoologico.
Di, the love of my life took me by surprise (cynical little girl that I am). Not perfect, skinny, with a quiet-killer wit. He's my Zen Master no less and today is his birthday!!! Happy birthday, love.
Hahaha. This is actually nice that tumiami is publishing in English. The problem is going to be now what language should we comment with, Ensligh or Spanish?
Pardon. Dinorah, don't worry. You'll find him.
not love because love finds you
amor no hay sin amor
D: Me gustan tus cosas porque hablas con la sinceridad del corazon--.no bullshit.
Dinorah mi computadora no tiene SAP. si no la tiras en espanol me voy a tener que cambiar para un nuevo blog que salio de Hialeah (donde vivo a mucha honra)
El amor es un tópico difícil y más para el hombre porque ellos crecen inculcados a presentarle la peor cara. Está bien enamorarse, pero enamorarse demasiado es un problema. Un signo de debilidad. La mujer se alimenta de esa signo pero a al ainversa, mientras más te enamoras, más femenina eres.
Esrto parece una novela mexicana.
¿Qué es SAP?
AT,sap es lo que tiene mi control remoto para poner en espanol los programas de HBO y demas. SLR.
Y si no traducen el post,me voy pal blog de Juan a ver gente encuera.
Yes, all we need is love!
I love you all,
Good for you Dino!
So the only real thing is the lolitesque illustration?
Who's the author?
Sin aguarle la fiesta a los presentes....esto parece una conga o una competencia de amiguitos con mucha nostalgia por un momento núbil. ¡Qué pena!
In fact Tumiami is therapy. Blogotherapy. Writings or readings can be a great relief here, Dino.
That's all we need Dinorita...esa es una verdad universal.
Dinorah te deje un comentario ayer pero no salio. Todo viene a su tiempo, recuerdate que Dios dispone y el hombre propone. Muy bello escrito. Amarnos es la salvacion de todos, aunque pocos los saben aplicar.
Triff: Excelente ese review de Pedro.
Triff's review is a knuckle ball over 95 miles per hour! Yyyeees, man.
A. te la comiste.
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