viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

52 años, 624 meses, 18,720 días, 449,280 horas, 29,956,800 minutos de lo mismo

Foto del ganador del Nóbel de la paz Liu Xiaobo

Cuba (hablamos del gobierno) siempre le ha apostado a la supremacía del poder, la censura, la fuerza arbitraria (al final del artículo de El País está la lista de países que han rehusado asistir a la ceremonia en apoyo al bloqueo del gobierno chino).

Tan predecible, fáctico como una ley física: Pronto serán 52 años, 624 meses, 18,720 días, 449,280 horas, 29,956,800 minutos de lo mismo.*
*¿No se merece el pueblo cubano un Nóbel por su larga resistencia en la isla/cárcel?

4 comentarios:

  1. Me sorprendió ver a Colombia en la lista de países sumados al "boycot". Los demás: la misma lista de países de siempre, con algo turbio que ganar y mucha simpatía que perder. Como digo yo, porque no he encontrado a nadie más con autoría sobre este aforismo: "la mierda sigue siendo mierda aunque se le eche perfume". Abrazos y felices fiestas navideñas, de Hanukkah, de Kwanzaa, de Año Nuevo y de todo lo demás que les dé por celebrar, jejeje.

  2. Today China dedided to cut back on loans to other countries. This actually means that the Chinese Regime is cutting back on buying America's debt,as it has done these last couple of years. This action will result in a global response and devaluate the U.S, currency, bringing about inflation and a very possible second "bubble". This could launch the U.S. economy into a worsening state, and a possible "L" shaped recovery (similar to what happened in Japan in the 90's), and bring create a "deflation" of U.S. currency. Furthermore, if the Administration decides in printing 600 billion to buy up it's own debt (a reminder of the infamous Mississippi Bubble during 18th century France, crated by John Law), this will be the final nail on the Dollar as the Global currency. The EU is very anxious to see what comes next, as top economists have warned against the Obama Plan,in printing more money in order to try to buy it's own debt (bonds). The Chinese are now doing a squeeze play on the U.S., since they have been financing and buying the National Debt. So, the Chinese do not care about the rest of the world's opinion, this has always been it's historical attitude. So soon we will witness the "Yuan Nation under no God" as our new motto. You know things are bad when Obama has to call in Bill Clinton to help him, and Bill takes the Presidential podium to speak to the press, as Obama exits the building. Hold on toght, it's going to be a rough ride, and you can't blame the Republicans yet, Remember that the House was under the Dems during Bush's last years, so, CHANGE HAS ARRIVED!

  3. Gracias Ileana, pr recordarnos lo fundamental.
