viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2006

El futuro MAM

La última noticia es que han escogido a la firma suiza Herzog & De Meuron para construir el futuro MAM en el Bicentennial Park. ¿Qué significa eso en términos de línea, estilo y status para Miami? La firma es premio Pritzker 2001 de arquitectura. (Abajo compartimos otros proyectos importantes del dúo de arquitectos suizos). Opina.

11 comentarios:

  1. Esto le sube la parada a Miami, ciudad que se llena de sucesos. Atractiva pubertad citadina.

  2. What can I say? The constant name dropping and importation of talent in order to impress is a desease that is over done in Miami. I am not impressed with what I see. There is more than sufficient talent in this city without having to go out and find a firm to build an "Ice cube on our hot tropical sand". This is a tropical and hot climate and does not gel well with a cold nordic architectural design. WOW! so impressed, they are a famous and world re-known, so what? Honestly, I have not seen what the actual plan is like, but then again I abhore the design of the "Carnival" Performing Arts Center. So let's ask our more than knowledgeable and creative architect Fornes. As for me, I believe that local projects should be representative of the local community. Why the decision makers must continously use "imports" in order to impress is a sign of an inferiority complex, and is beyond me!

  3. Se fue para siempre Oriana Fallaci, la sorprendente entrevistadora de la historia. Periodista brillante y controversial que practicara los más incisivos cuestionarios a innumerables celebridades del último medio siglo. Borrascosa corresponsal de guerra en Vietnam, Medio Oriente, conflicto indo-paquistaní y Latinoamérica. Paradigma del furor intelectual de la mujer, no necesitaba numen para inspirarse porque ella misma era una diosa escribiendo. Su tinta sensible, además de talento, destila acero y pólvora de ovarios. Su último libro, Oriana Fallaci se entrevista a sí misma (2004, es una andanada visceral e intensa. El sello personal que la distinguía: la filosa mirada con que acechaba su objeto de examen y el cigarrillo inseparable humeando sobre el fragor del oficio.

  4. MM me pide que reproduzca este comentario que hizo pero no pudo entrar en el blog:

    Enhorabuena a Liz Cerejido por A Room of One’s Own (Una habitación propia) que se inaugura esta noche en el Frost Museum FIU. Ambiciosa propuesta que destila esencia feminista vista a través de los conceptos de cuatro artistas: María Martínez-Cañas, Teresita Fernández, Quisqueya Henríquez y María Elena Gonzáles. La muestra abre impulsada por una charla de Camille Paglia, una de las voces más seductoras y controversiales del pensamiento americano cuyas propuestas son siempre provocadoras.

  5. Mano: C'mon! It's a customary practice to put a building like this one with some sort of competition among prestigious firms. True, there's enough talent here and they can build here and someplace else (by presenting their designs to a board of directors). Frankly, I think it's a good idea that this firm builds the future MAM. They're pretty good.

  6. T'
    I hope the Swiss adhere to the local factors and cultural diversity, although it's not their style. One of the largest problems is the lack of true historical preservation and avoidance of any "latin flare" when it comes to large impresive projects. Take as an example in the Cuba of today, and how the new architectural imports have destroyed 500 years of a continuity of form and design. Under this mentality of over development and who gives a damn if it works with the buildings or needs of the sorroundings, great civilizations would not have had any defining style and their societies would lack a definitive constancy in the most elemental structures. I do not disagree with the "prestige it brings us" but I tend to agree with Inkieta, and it sends out the message that Miami is made up of just a bunch of uncultured hicks and illegal alien latins, so we need to spend "OUR MIAMI TAX MONEYS" on outsiders, which since they are not from Miami, they obviously are better. So when will the New Yorkers or Swiss contract Miami firms, and why should they, if the impression of Miami's talent is that they can't even display the art and talent to get the BIG PROJECTS in their own city? Great example of how good we are, don't you think?

  7. Me imagino que en pocos años tendre que imaginarme el mar. Ya que no podre verlo debido de las maravillosas obras arquitectonicas.

  8. Mano: The world goes on. You won't see the sea, but you'll see something else. Imagine Mahnattan circa 1930.

  9. By the way, where the hell is our "Central Park"? Sera el Parque de Domino?

  10. Good point, Mano. Cities with big "central" parks, like Manhattan, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Paris, etc, are a bit older. Also the sea's proximity. Just for consolation, LA (as important a capital as it is) doesn't have a park either.

  11. Con todo respeto "Profe",
    La capital de California es Sacramento.
